Fitter Bodies Burn More Fat

We all know that exercising burns calories which in turn reduce fat stores. You may also know that muscle burns more calories than fat, though not as outlandishly as some claim. Some of the claims were as much as 50 calories per pound of muscle per day which would mean adding 10 pounds of muscle would burn an additional 500 calories daily. Sadly this is not accurate. A more correct amount would be 7 calories per day per pound of muscle added. Fat in comparison burns about 2 calories, so, though the amount of difference is small, losing fat and gaining muscle is still a net positive.  Now new studies have shown that more aerobically fit muscles are more efficient fat burners. This would be key to not only losing fat stores, but maintain fat loss which let’s face it is even harder. 

A study conducted by the Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University Medical Center found a gene called KLF-15 found in muscle significantly affects how the body stores and metabolizes fat. In a mouse model with KLP-15 deleted the results were obesity, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and fatty liver. Without KLP-15 fat cannot enter the muscle and is instead deposited into the liver as well as white adipose tissues.  KLP-15 increases during and after exercise and is critical to exercise capacity and recovery.

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In a study at Massachusetts General Hospital researchers tracked more than 200 metabolic molecules in the blood produced during the metabolism of fats, proteins and sugars. During the study following a prescribed 10 minute exercise stress test the researchers found that those who were more fit had a significantly different metabolic profile; a metabolic signature of fitness. The fitter one was the better they could mobilize fat as a fuel source. When looking at the blood of marathon runners they found the runners were utilizing fat a thousand times more efficiently.  Studies on sedentary people have found the reverse they become more efficient at storing fat.

Abdominal fat and in particular visceral fat can be particularly troublesome. In men visceral fat can interfere with the production of testosterone. This in turn can lead to an increase in belly fat. Belly fat can lower testosterone while increasing the female hormone estradiol. Too much visceral fat has been linked to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease and various cancers in both men and women. Abdominal fat is particularly metabolic producing hormones and other substances that then enter our blood stream. Visceral fat for instance pumps out cytokines which cause inflammation and can increase the risk of heart disease even further. The stress hormone cortisol has also been linked to excess belly fat accumulation. Since abdominal fat has more glucocorticoid receptors it is a preferred area to accumulate.

Based on this information we can deduce that a more comprehensive treatment for obesity may be a combination of stress reduction techniques and weight reduction strategies.  Once again exercise proves itself to be a magic pill that cannot be replaced. By maintaining at minimum a moderate level of fitness you enable your body to function optimally.

References: – The fitter You Are the Better You Burn Fat – Fit People Burn Fat Faster – Abdominal Fat and What to Do About It – Muscle Factor That Controls Fat Metabolism Identified – Is visceral obesity a physiological adaptation to stress – Belly Fat In Men
