mobile in home Personal Training/ fitness At Your Doors step In silver lake
If you've been wanting to improve your health and fitness but find your busy lifestyle getting in the way, we believe we can assist. By coming to you, we save you driving time, the hassle of finding parking, and the wait for busy equipment, all while avoiding other distractions. Simply put, we bring fitness to your doorstep. It's easy: you book the appointment time, we show up, and the training begins.
the first steps
We start with a complimentary online consultation. We'll review your health and exercise history, short- and long-term goals, and discuss your current diet and supplementation. This information helps us design a suitable starting program for you, which will evolve as you adapt. We'll then discuss where you'd like to do your sessions (this can vary if you like), such as your home or a nearby park. If you have exercise equipment at home, that's great, but we also bring kettlebells, adjustable dumbbells, various resistance bands, a Bosu stability ball, and even battle ropes.
Contact us now for your free consultation
Steps that count - Zone 2 cardio
Resistance training, Pilates and yoga all are great for improving our health, fitness and strength, but something we all shouldn’t over look is zone 2 cardio. Zone 2 cardio is a prolonged session 30+ minutes of movement at a pace where you can just still carry a conversation. About 65% of max heartrate if you’re tracking. The benefits of zone 2 are a VO2 max increase (your bodies ability to utilize oxygen, a marker of heart health), improved blood flow including in the brain and of course calorie burning which at this pace comes mainly from stored bodyfat. Once you’re ready and if you want a bit more challenge you can add 30-90 seconds of zone 4 (80-85% of max heartrate) in an interval format for added benefits. One of my personal favorite places near by in Silver Lake to get in my zone 2 is well frankly the Silver Lake Reservoir. Parking is easy, the path is well maintained and is an excellent spot for walking, running or even walking your dog. I generally will go first thing in the morning before breakfast, its a great star to the day. Evenings are pretty good too. Its more scenic than walking the neighborhood and safer from cars too. Its a nice respite when you live in a city of millions.
up your neat
NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. It's the energy expended for everything we do that isn't sleeping, eating, or sports-like exercise. This includes activities like walking around your house, typing on your computer, fidgeting, gardening, and even standing up.
Here are some effective ways to boost your NEAT and keep yourself more active throughout the day:
Walk and Talk: Take your phone calls while walking instead of sitting down.
Use the Stairs: Opt for stairs over elevators or escalators whenever possible.
Park Farther Away: Choose parking spots at the far end of the lot, so you have to walk a bit more.
Desk Adjustments: Use a standing desk or take frequent breaks to stand up and stretch.
Household Chores: Engage in activities like cleaning, gardening, or organizing your space.
Fidgeting: Small movements like tapping your feet, stretching, or even fidgeting can add up over time.
NEAT can significantly boost your daily caloric burn, (15-50% of total energy expenditure) leading to better weight management and overall health. By increasing these small, everyday movements, you can add up to a significant number of calories burned without formally exercising. It’s a great way to stay active, especially if you have a busy schedule.
Service area map
live online training
For those who prefer we also offer live online training to anywhere you have a network connection. These sessions come in 2 flavors 45 minutes and 60 minutes. We offer real time guidance and custom designed sessions just like in person. Great for people who travel, but still want the personal service.
We believe in full disclosure so for all our potential customers our rates for service for our various plan options can be found HERE