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the pillars of health and fitness


the pillars of health and fitness

At some point in our lives or even several points many of us will strive to become healthier and fitter. Your personal motivation may vary, it can be for aesthetic reasons, desired longevity, quality of life, athletic performance or all the above. Regardless of the why the how is pretty much the same. To truly succeed you must address several factors; let’s call them pillars, your exercise routine, your nutrition (diet) and your sleep. If one is lagging the results will too. You won’t achieve your best results if you workout hard, but eat poorly or if you eat well, but barely exercise. Likewise, if your exercise and diet are on point, but you forego sleep then you will ultimately undermine your results.


Hone Your Willpower


Hone Your Willpower

A new year is upon us and along with it a host of self-perpetuated goals and stresses. Whether you admit to making New Year’s resolutions or not the fact is we all generally strive to do better, to be better in the New Year. Culturally it becomes a time of renewal a sort of restart button if you will. Some people even have their own rituals they practice such as pulling around luggage at the midnight hour hoping for more travel. Others write letters of emotional baggage they would like to leave behind then throw them into the fire, while still others eat grapes for good luck. Whatever your ritual, whatever your desires this has become the time of year where anything is possible if only we want it enough to make it happen.
